Well I had few minutes tonight and figured that I would try and recap a few of the events from the last week. Well we finally finished up the interviews throughout all of Oahu. Man it took forever driving to some of those pads. Some night we didn't get back until almost 7 and we would leave at 9 in the morning just driving from one place to the next. President has us drive because he would rather sit in the back and get some other work done rather than waste his time driving. So that is always fun to be stuck in that bumper to bumper traffic. Anyway we got them all done and then on Friday we got a call that some missionaries were being kicked out of their apartment. So we had to grab both the mission trucks and Elder Mederios and I drove them both out and head clear to Maili Kai and if you don'y know where that is, it is clear down on the west side of the island. So we got out there and loaded both trucks full of washer dryer, fridge, stove, desks, beds, chairs, dressers and pretty much anything else we could fit in two chevy calorados. It was crazy and then we drove them all the way back out to Honolulu to put them in the mission storage shed. Well when we got to the storage shed it was so full of stuff you could barely open the door. I was like you have got to be kidding me!!! So I just start ripping and tearing at things pulling them out and just putting them all in a big junk heep. All the time just asking Elder Mederios if he wants to keep it. So I get eveything out sweep it up, get a shelf set up to put all of the dishes and everything else we found in there. Then we organized the stuff we wanted to keep and what do you know there was room for all the new stuff that we brought and it was clean. It was a very satisfying project to say the least. Anyway it was a pretty fun adventure.
So then on Saturday we thought it was going to be kind of a day just to catch up on things and to be able to preparea little bit. Well once again we were dead wrong!!! We started getting all of these calls of old furniture that we needed to get rid of and things that people needed in all of the zones, so we decided to run a bunch of the errands that we had. We we ended up going to 6 different zones that day and probably driving a hundred miles. It was a long day to say the least. We got eveything done though. Then that night we pounded out our training for zone conference. It was really good because it was uninterrupped so I could just keep my train of thought going and be able to get everything pretty much the way I wanted it.
Sunday was pretty much just a typical Sunday. We went to church and had all of our meeting and stuff. Then we went back to our pad and had some lunch and stuff. We got a call from Elder Eteaki saying that he needed us to help sing with him. So we were like hmmmm?? Maybe, I am not the best of singers you know so I was like what are we singing? He was like nearer my god to thee and I was like ok that one is a pretty easy one to harmonize. So we went to their baptism with them and helped them sing. It went really well. Then we went back to the office and finished our training and got ready to take the numbers that night. We were sitting waiting for all of the reports to come in so we could compile them and then they all finally did, and what do you know it looks like we will hit "Vision 100" again this month so that is good news.
Well Monday started out pretty normal, we did our usual accountability and had to run a few errands. We had to go to the dump which is always fun. The dump here is so weird. It is like a gaint warehouse that you just dump everything and then the tractor comes and pushes it out the bottom. Anyway we did that and then had to do a few quick other things for president. Well them we played some basketball and got some good exercise. It was pretty fun. Then that night we were making all preperations for Kauai the next day when we got a phone call from president telling us that he needed us to do something for him. Needless to say we had to stay out late doing it. It was pretty crazy. Then the next morning we got up really early and flew to Kauai. Man airplanes are so small or maybe I am just really tall (that wasn't a fat joke) So we got there and it was a really good zone conference. Well I am out of time for now so you will just have to stay posted til Monday and I will let you know what happened in Kauai and in Laie. Some good times. Man I miss Laie so bad. It is such a blessed place.
Ofa atu
Elder Hatch
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Week 82
Elder Hatch and Elder Medeiros with Jamboree their newest convert.

Zone Leader Conference

Aloha Family,
Well I realized that I had been super busy and hadn't written you in like 2 weeks. So that is my bad. I don't have a whole lot to fill you in on because I just talked to you last week on the phone, but I will kinda let you know what is going to happen this upcoming week and what happened this last week. So this last week we had interviews and this transfer president decided to do interviews at their pads so that I could see where all of the missionaries live when he is gone. So we have been driving around the whole island all week looking at pads, checking area books, while president does interviews. It is kind of fun to see where all of the different missionaries live and to see all of the sides of the island I haven't seen yet (Which isn't much)!! We have also been filming the missionaries because we are making a new baptism dvd for the mission and needed some testimonies and some other things like that in it. So we got their testimonies and stuff and took them to this member who is going to put the whole thing together for us. By the way mom and dad congrats on the 27 years? What does that make you maybe 38 years old??? BAhahahaha Anyway yesterday was really long. Elder Mereiros got really sick the night before and threw up a whole bunch so I just had to stay home with him all day and try and help him get feeling better. Mostly I just let him sleep all day. So while he did that I read scriptures, read pmg, read the conference ensign, watched the restoration, watched legacy, watched some church history dvds, took a nap pretty much whatever I could to keep myself occupied to that I didn't get bored. It was ok though I was more worried about him feeling better than me being bored.
So this week will be more interviews and such. So Elder Medeiros and I get to play taxi driver for president and drive him around to all of the differnt zones. It is pretty fun though because we get to see all of the missionaries and get to build better relationships with them. Some of their pads are way nice and some of them are pretty crappy and when president sees them he tells us that he wants to try and get out of those pads. Luckily we won't be doing any flying this week so it won't be too tiring. We pretty much are just going to prepare for our trainings and stuff like that and book flights and all of that fun stuff. Let me just check and see if you had any questions this week.........Oh ya our ward did a car wash and just like any other tongan event there was plenty of food to go around. I think we had more food than we did cars washed but it was still good we actually found a few people for the other missionaries to teach so that was good. Well I think that is it for this week. I love you all so much and pray for each of you every day.
Ofa atu

Zone Leader Conference

Aloha Family,
Well I realized that I had been super busy and hadn't written you in like 2 weeks. So that is my bad. I don't have a whole lot to fill you in on because I just talked to you last week on the phone, but I will kinda let you know what is going to happen this upcoming week and what happened this last week. So this last week we had interviews and this transfer president decided to do interviews at their pads so that I could see where all of the missionaries live when he is gone. So we have been driving around the whole island all week looking at pads, checking area books, while president does interviews. It is kind of fun to see where all of the different missionaries live and to see all of the sides of the island I haven't seen yet (Which isn't much)!! We have also been filming the missionaries because we are making a new baptism dvd for the mission and needed some testimonies and some other things like that in it. So we got their testimonies and stuff and took them to this member who is going to put the whole thing together for us. By the way mom and dad congrats on the 27 years? What does that make you maybe 38 years old??? BAhahahaha Anyway yesterday was really long. Elder Mereiros got really sick the night before and threw up a whole bunch so I just had to stay home with him all day and try and help him get feeling better. Mostly I just let him sleep all day. So while he did that I read scriptures, read pmg, read the conference ensign, watched the restoration, watched legacy, watched some church history dvds, took a nap pretty much whatever I could to keep myself occupied to that I didn't get bored. It was ok though I was more worried about him feeling better than me being bored.
So this week will be more interviews and such. So Elder Medeiros and I get to play taxi driver for president and drive him around to all of the differnt zones. It is pretty fun though because we get to see all of the missionaries and get to build better relationships with them. Some of their pads are way nice and some of them are pretty crappy and when president sees them he tells us that he wants to try and get out of those pads. Luckily we won't be doing any flying this week so it won't be too tiring. We pretty much are just going to prepare for our trainings and stuff like that and book flights and all of that fun stuff. Let me just check and see if you had any questions this week.........Oh ya our ward did a car wash and just like any other tongan event there was plenty of food to go around. I think we had more food than we did cars washed but it was still good we actually found a few people for the other missionaries to teach so that was good. Well I think that is it for this week. I love you all so much and pray for each of you every day.
Ofa atu
Monday, May 17, 2010
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Top Ten Reasons I Love Being a Mom
(Troy Garlick Photographer)

(Lee Peterson Photographer)

My top ten reasons I love being a MOM!!!
1. Annicka, Madison, Zachary, McKay
2. The first day of school every year
3. Great hugs
4. Graduations
5. Times to talk and cry
6. Text messages
7. Fishing at Panguitch Lake
8. Utah football games
9. Doing yardwork together
10. Having family members pray for each other
I love being a mom. It has brought me a lot of joy throughout the past 25 years. Thanks to all of you who have been influencial in my children's lives. There isn't a day goes by that they don't make me proud. Annibell, Mads, Zacher, Macsta you guys are the best. Thanks for making my life so fun. Love you all MOM.

(Lee Peterson Photographer)

My top ten reasons I love being a MOM!!!
1. Annicka, Madison, Zachary, McKay
2. The first day of school every year
3. Great hugs
4. Graduations
5. Times to talk and cry
6. Text messages
7. Fishing at Panguitch Lake
8. Utah football games
9. Doing yardwork together
10. Having family members pray for each other
I love being a mom. It has brought me a lot of joy throughout the past 25 years. Thanks to all of you who have been influencial in my children's lives. There isn't a day goes by that they don't make me proud. Annibell, Mads, Zacher, Macsta you guys are the best. Thanks for making my life so fun. Love you all MOM.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Week 81 Summary
Here is a summary of his week.
Monday: Zone Leader Conference (ZLC) he had to prepare a talk for the Zone Leaders
Tuesday: New Missionaries arrive from the MTC. He always loves to see the excitement in their eyes and their enthusiasm to begin the work.
Wednesday: Transfers. Making sure all the missionaries get to their new areas, all the cars are where they need to be, all the flight plans are scheduled, and everything runs smoothly. He tells us that planning transfers and making all the changes is an incredibly spiritual experience. He said it is just amazing how the Lord works.
Thursday: Those missionaries going home spend some time in the mission home and tour the island before they fly home.
Friday: Sends home those missionaries who have completed their missions. This is a most difficult event. He has learned to love them all so much and it makes him sad to say good bye knowing he may never see them again.
Saturday: He has a baptism and it is "Helping Hands" day in Hawaii. The missionaries will be doing a lot of service as they support this day in Hawaii.
Sunday: He will be calling home. YEAH!!!
Monday: Zone Leader Conference (ZLC) he had to prepare a talk for the Zone Leaders
Tuesday: New Missionaries arrive from the MTC. He always loves to see the excitement in their eyes and their enthusiasm to begin the work.
Wednesday: Transfers. Making sure all the missionaries get to their new areas, all the cars are where they need to be, all the flight plans are scheduled, and everything runs smoothly. He tells us that planning transfers and making all the changes is an incredibly spiritual experience. He said it is just amazing how the Lord works.
Thursday: Those missionaries going home spend some time in the mission home and tour the island before they fly home.
Friday: Sends home those missionaries who have completed their missions. This is a most difficult event. He has learned to love them all so much and it makes him sad to say good bye knowing he may never see them again.
Saturday: He has a baptism and it is "Helping Hands" day in Hawaii. The missionaries will be doing a lot of service as they support this day in Hawaii.
Sunday: He will be calling home. YEAH!!!
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