Wow! We are so excited for our grandchild to finally make his debute. He was due on January 16th and still hasn't decided to leave his comfy, warm surroundings. We are hoping that he will eventually decide to meet the rest of us. These are some pictures we took of Annie a couple weeks ago.
Gary had some knee surgery in December. His right knee was extremely painful and he wasn't able to walk or bend his leg without grimacing. He had fluid drained from off his kneecap several times but it didn't seem to help. He even ended up in the ER one night due to severe pain. Well after several doctor's office visits it was determined that he needed surgery. He had surgery and they took out a couple of pieces of his patella and found a pocket of calcium deposit under his kneecap that was causing him some serious pain. The surgeon said he has seen this kind of thing in shoulders but never in knees. So I guess there is a first for everything. After a couple of weeks of physical therapy and lots of ice...he is feeling a lot better. Modern medicine in incredible. It is nice to have him feeling well again.
Madison is starting her last semester of classwork and is getting very excited about finishing up. She still works two jobs as well as carrying a full load. She has had her share of doctor visits as well this year. She has something called pancreatitis where eating food causes her internal pain. She did lose 5 lbs during her week of not being able to eat, but finding the reason for this phantom pain would be great. She has given blood samples several times and has been directed to a specialist. So we are keeping our fingers crossed they can give her some answers.
Zach began school at the U. He loves school and is finding his way around campus. He bought a new computer that his is really excited about. He was able to continue working while he goes to school. He met a guy at school that is taking all the same classes he is. This has been very helpful when it comes to studying. He has had a few setbacks with his schedule but he thinks he has it all worked out now. He even had enough money saved up to pay tuition. WOOT WOOT. Now if he can find an economical car to drive to school. Zach got to reconnect with Will Eteaki last week. It was a great reunion.
Mac is back in school and loves it. He has many friends and loves his new schedule. He completed the requirements for his Eagle Scout and will be awarded it in February. We are very proud of him. He and I took a trip to St. George over New Year's and spent some fun time with my family. I was glad to have him with me. We had a great time.
As for me I am waiting to become a grandma. I am excited to see my daughter enter that new phase of her life. I look forward to being there for her when she needs me. I have had to stop myself from doing any more shopping for Sharky until he arrives. However I am sure Grandpa and Aunt Maddie will help out with the shopping for him. Luckily I work very close to Annie's home so I can go visit often. Other news, I am back playing tennis and I love it. I am also being brave and trying some new recipes. Hopefully I will broaden my cooking skills. Who knows I may even take a cooking class this year. If I find a recipe my family really enjoys I will share it with you all.
Just a random picture with the kids.